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Title: Incorporating Multi-Modal Travel Planning into an Agent-Based Model : A Case Study at the Train Station Kellinghusenstraße in Hamburg
Language: English
Authors: Lenfers, Ulfia  
Ahmady-Moghaddam, Nima 
Glake, Daniel 
Ocker, Florian 
Ströbele, Jonathan 
Clemen, Thomas  
Keywords: multi-agent systems; spatial simulation; smart cities; MARS; decision support systems; urban planning; multi-modal travel; sustainable urbanism; urban governance
Issue Date: 29-Oct-2021
Is supplement to: 10.3390/land10111179
Is previous version of:
Project: SmartOpenHamburg - Ein multi-modales Entscheidungsunterstützungssystem für die Metropolregion Hamburg 
This dataset comprises a multi-layer, multi-aspects collection of open data covering the Kellinghusenstraße switch-point in Hamburg, Germany, together with an agent-based simulation model based on the MARS framework (

Both parts of this dataset, i.e., the data layers or the model, can be utilized separately or combined under the GNU AGPLv3 license. The MARS Box concept has been invented to support the usage of OpenData and agent-based simulation in education, research, and transfer. Please refer to:

Lenfers, U.A., Ahmady-Moghaddam, N., Glake, D., Ocker, F., Ströbele, J., Clemen, T., 2021. Incorporating Multi-Modal Travel Planning into an Agent-Based Model: A Case Study at the Train Station Kellinghusenstraße in Hamburg. Land 10, 1179.

for more details.
DOI: 10.48441/41201.467
Review status: Unknown / not specified
Institute: Fakultät Technik und Informatik 
Department Informatik 
Forschungsgruppe Multi-Agenten Systeme und Data Science 
Type: Dataset
Funded by: Behörde für Wissenschaft, Forschung, Gleichstellung und Bezirke​ 
Appears in Collections:Research Data (with datasets)

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model-deployments-master-SOHKellinghusenBox.zip142.4 MBUnknownView/Open
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