Welcome to REPOSIT
- 16001 People
- 1578 Organization Units
- 429 Projects
Important messages
Information on research achievements
Users registered after the cyberattack and people with accounts that have already been restored can simply log in to REPOSIT. If this is not the case for you, you can create a local account by first contacting openscience@haw-hamburg.de. If you have an ORCID iD and this is already stored in your REPOSIT profile (Researcher Profile), you can simply log in to REPOSIT with your ORCID data.
The publications stored in REPOSIT are an important factor for the verification of research and publication achievements at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences. Please enter your publications and data on scientific or artistic events in REPOSIT at any time.
You have various options for entering data. You can enter your data directly in REPOSIT (data can be imported via DOI, for example) or send curated reference lists to openscience@haw-hamburg.de. Ideally, use the input fields displayed in the form of REPOSIT (e.g. peer review status) as a guide for the reference lists. The data entry itself is followed by an internal curation process. There may be a few days between data entry and access the data publicly.
Emails from the system will be sent from a HAW Hamburg address (reposit(at)haw-hamburg.de).
We will continue to keep you informed about changes and adjustments under 'News' and on the REPOSIT homepage. We are always available at openscience@haw-hamburg.de.
The documentation and allocation of the research and publication output of the university/faculties for the year 2024 will be carried out on the basis of the data entered or sent to us by January 31, 2025.
REPOSIT - the institutional repository of Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
REPOSIT enables the publication of documents and research data and records research information of Hamburg University of Applied Sciences.
REPOSIT is based on the open-source software solution DSpace-CRIS. It is currently hosted by the Hamburg University of Technology, and managed by the University Information and Library Service (HIBS). The system is continuously being developed. We welcome your feedback on adjustments and improvements to usability and design. If you have any questions, feel free to contact openscience@haw-hamburg.de.
Recent Submissions

Type Patent

Type Patent
Type Article
Type MagazineArticle

Type Preprint