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Title: Advancing bat monitoring : assessing the impact of unmanned aerial systems on bat activity
Language: English
Authors: Roswag, Marc 
Roswag, Anna 
Roswag, Matthias Sebastian 
Fietz, Joanna 
Taefi, Tessa Touridocht  
Keywords: bats; UAS; deterrence; lighter than air; acoustic detection
Issue Date: 18-Sep-2024
Project: Mobile Erfassung von Fledermäusen bei On-Shore Windenergieanlagen durch autonome Messdrohnen - Teilvorhaben: FriendlyDrone 
As wind turbines increase in height and rotor diameter, the monitoring of bat activity within the risk area becomes increasingly challenging. This study examines the influence of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) on bat activity and assesses their viability for acoustic detection. While multicopters resulted in a notable reduction in bat activity due to noise emissions, the LTA-UAS, which is quieter, did not have the same effect, making it a superior option for non-intrusive monitoring methods.
DOI: 10.48441/41201.1908
Review status: Currently there is no review planned for this version
Institute: Fakultät Design, Medien und Information 
Department Medientechnik 
Type: Dataset
Funded by: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz 
Appears in Collections:Research Data (with datasets)

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