Titel: Dynamic simulation of innovative aircraft air conditioning
Sprache: Englisch
Autorenschaft: Müller, Christian 
Scholz, Dieter  
Giese, Tim 
Herausgeber: Council of European Aerospace Societies 
Schlagwörter: Luftfahrt; aviation; aircraft; environmental control systems; ECS; MATLAB; Simulink; Airbus; A340; model; cabin; flow; resistance; validation; identification; simulation; dynamic; FLECS; temperature; conductivity
Erscheinungsdatum: 2007
Verlag: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt - Lilienthal-Oberth
Teil der Schriftenreihe: Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2007 : 1st CEAS, European Air and Space Conference ; proceedings 
Bandangabe: 3
Projekt: FLECS - Funktionale Modellbibliothek des Environment Control Systems 
Konferenz: European Air and Space Conference 2007 
Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrtkongress 2007 
The development of innovative air conditioning systems for passenger aircrafts requires the application of dynamic simulation. FLECS, the "Functional Model Library of the Environmental Control System", was programmed to support such development processes of environmental control systems (ECS). FLECS offers a library with generic models from small ECS components up to the whole aircraft cabin. Fundamental to FLECS is the functional simulation in a MATLAB/Simulink environment based on a generalized volume and generalized resistances – mass flow resistances as well as heat flow resistances. Based on these generalized elements, specialised components like isobaric volumes and fan components were derived. Using measured datasets recorded during a test flight of an Airbus A340-600, a set of duct components as well as a cabin model was validated. The measured data was matched in both cases by the simulated response of the system. The validated duct components and the cabin model were used to simulate the control behaviour of an ECS. The cabin model of this simulation consisted of 2 zones of a single aisle aircraft. A highly dynamic test case was defined. The simulated behaviour of the system was plausible and could be well interpreted.
DOI: 10.48441/4427.2074
ISSN: 0700-4083
Begutachtungsstatus: Für diese Version ist aktuell keine Begutachtung geplant
Einrichtung: Forschungsgruppe Flugzeugentwurf und -systeme (AERO) 
Department Fahrzeugtechnik und Flugzeugbau 
Fakultät Technik und Informatik 
Dokumenttyp: Konferenzveröffentlichung
Hinweise zur Quelle: MÜLLER, Christian, SCHOLZ, Dieter, GIESE, Tim, 2007. Dynamic Simulation of Innovative Aircraft Air Conditioning. In: DGLR. Deutscher Luft- und Raumfahrt Kongress & First CEAS European Air and Space Conference (Berlin, 10 - 13 September 2007), Bonn : Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt, 2007. - Paper: CEAS-2007-466, CD, ISSN 0700-4083.
Sponsor / Fördernde Einrichtung: Hamburger Behörde für Wirtschaft, Verkehr und Innovation 
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