Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 278
Issue Date | Document in REPOSIT | Access Full Text | Title | Type | Author(s) |
27-Sep-2024 |  |  | Reconfigurable MISO-VLC via Joint Light Source Identification and Localization Using a Receiver With Spatial LCD Filter | Article | Harlakin, Andrej ; Mietzner, Jan ; Hoeher, Peter A. |
23-Jan-2024 |  |  | Dispersive Optical Wireless Indoor Channels—From Frequency-Domain Modeling to Bit-Error-Rate Prediction | Article | Schulze, Henrik ; Mietzner, Jan ; Hoeher, Peter Adam |
2-Nov-2024 |  |  | Analysis of error rates and capacity outage of wireless links under jamming and multipath signal fading | Article | Mietzner, Jan  |
1-Dec-2023 |  |  | Joint Communication and Sensing Using Compressive Sensing and a Single Multi-Mode Multi-Port Antenna | Article | Johannsen, Nils L. ; Mietzner, Jan ; Hoeher, Peter A. |
22-Jan-2025 |  |  | Advancing bat monitoring : assessing the impact of unmanned aerial systems on bat activity | Article | Roswag, Marc ; Roswag, Anna ; Roswag, Matthias Sebastian ; Fietz, Joanna ; Taefi, Tessa Touridocht  |
4-Feb-2025 |  |  | Report zur Cyberattacke an der HAW Hamburg | Article | Jeorgakopulos, Katharina |
31-Jan-2023 |  |  | Schreiben ist nicht schwer, es bringt sogar Spaß! | Article | Jeorgakopulos, Katharina |
2024 |  |  | Kontakt als Methode : Transformative Wohnforschung in der Settlement Sociology und der Siedlerbewegung | inBook | Güntner, Simon ; Lehner, Judith M. ; Reutlinger, Christian |
Apr-2024 |  |  | Migrants with a Precarious Status : Evolving Approaches of European Cities | book | Spencer, Sarah ; Ataç, Ilker ; Bastick, Zach ; Homberger, Adrienne ; Güntner, Simon ; Kirchhoff, Maren ; Mallet-Garcia, Marie |
Jun-2023 |  |  | Die Stimmen Jugendlicher hörbar machen : ein partizipatives Forschungstransferprojekt zur Beteiligung junger Menschen aus unterschiedlichen Lebenslagen in der Stadtgesellschaft in Hamburg | Report | Voigts, Gunda  |
4-Feb-2025 |  |  | Jugendbeteiligung in Hamburg : zehn Perspektiven aus Sicht von Jugendlichen | Poster | Voigts, Gunda  |
4-Feb-2025 |  |  | Fachkräftesituation in Einrichtungen der Offenen Kinder- und Jugendarbeit : Länderauswertung Niedersachsen | Report | Voigts, Gunda ; Przybylski, Katharina |
4-Feb-2025 |  |  | Fachkräftesituation in Einrichtungen der Offenen Kinder- und Jugendarbeit : Länderauswertung Nordrhein-Westfalen | Report | Voigts, Gunda ; Przybylski, Katharina |
4-Feb-2025 |  |  | Fachkräftesituation in Einrichtungen der Offenen Kinder- und Jugendarbeit in Schleswig-Holstein | Report | Voigts, Gunda ; Przybylski, Katharina |
16-Aug-2024 |  |  | Application of qualitative modelling to improve system understanding of the stressed elbe estuary | Article | Heise, Susanne ; Stresius, Ivonne |
2-Aug-2024 |  |  | Impact of Rare Earth Elements in sediments on the growth and photosynthetic efficiency of the benthic plant Myriophyllum aquaticum | Article | Gjata, Isidora ; van Drimmelen, Chantal K. E. ; Tommasi, Franca ; Paciolla, Costantino ; Heise, Susanne  |
13-Apr-2024 |  |  | Levels of rare earth elements on three abandoned mining sites of bauxite in southern Italy : a comparison between TXRF and ICP-MS | Article | Brouziotis, Antonios Apostolos ; Heise, Susanne ; Saviano, Lorenzo ; Zhang, Keran ; Giarra, Antonella ; Bau, Michael ; Tommasi, Franca ; Guida, Marco ; Libralato, Giovanni ; Trifuoggi, Marco |
4-Oct-2024 |  |  | Effects of rare earth elements in the aquatic environment : implications for ecotoxicological testing | Article | Revel, Marion ; van Drimmelen, Chantal K. E. ; Weltje, Lennart ; Hursthouse, Andrew ; Heise, Susanne  |
6-Dec-2024 |  |  | The development of a kinetic biotic ligand model to predict acute toxicity of Gadolinium for Daphnia magna | Article | Revel, Marion ; Tan, Qiao Guo ; Hursthouse, Andrew ; Heise, Susanne  |
29-Nov-2024 |  |  | Sediment contamination in two German estuaries : a biomarker-based toxicity test with the ragworm Hediste diversicolor under intermittent oxygenation | Article | Pham, Duy Nghia ; El Toum, Safia ; Martineau, Raphaëlle ; Heise, Susanne ; Sokolova, Inna M. |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 278