Publisher DOI: 10.2376/0005-9366-18090
Title: The data collection of slaughtered pregnant pigs by competent veterinary authorities : Findings from the sign-project
Other Titles: Die amtliche Datenerhebung zur Schlachtung gravider Schweine : Erkenntnisse aus dem SiGN-Projekt
Language: English
Authors: Rolzhäuser, Philipp 
Saffaf, Jasem 
Wohlfahrt, Sophia 
Walter, Lisa 
Pahl, Almut 
Hamedy, Ahmad 
Lücker, Ernst 
Riehn, Katharina 
Keywords: Animal welfare; Inspection by veterinary authorities; Pigs; Pregnancy; Slaughter; Schlachtung; Trächtigkeit; Schweine; Tierschutz; amtliche Überwachung
Issue Date: Jul-2019
Publisher: Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Journal or Series Name: Berliner und Münchener tierärztliche Wochenschrift 
Volume: 132
Issue: 9-10
Startpage: 419
Endpage: 427
The frequency of pregnancies in slaughtered pigs was determined in a two-step approach within the course of the research project “SiGN” about pregnancies in slaughtered livestock. First, on-site investigations in selected abattoirs were carried out. On the second stage, data collected by different competent veterinary authorities were analyzed. This work presents the results of the data collection from the veterinary authorities and compares them with the results of the on-site examinations. The present study also draws conclusions for the veterinary surveillance of the slaughter of pregnant pigs. Altogether 1586 sets of data from veterinary offices in 55 rural German districts collected between January 2015 and October 2017 were evaluated. 116 (0.03 %) out of the 409,469 announced cull sows were pregnant. 29 % (n = 34) were in the first, 37 % (n = 43) in the second and 25 % (n = 29) in the third trimester. Consequently, the prevalence of the last trimester is 0.007 % (29/409,469). In 9 % (n = 10) of the gravid sows an age determination was not available. In comparison, the prevalence from data by veterinary authorities is 106.1 times lower than the prevalence from the on-site investigations (3 %; 331/11,137). This emphasizes the uncertainties associated with the determination of slaughtered pregnant pigs by veterinary authorities. A catalogue of measures and an implementation of standard operating procedures are required to optimize the official control of slaughtering pregnant pigs and to implement the prohibition to deliver a gravid mammal in the third trimester to an abattoir.
ISSN: 1439-0299
Review status: This version was peer reviewed (peer review)
Institute: Department Ökotrophologie 
Fakultät Life Sciences 
Type: Article
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