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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 9271
Issue DateDocument in REPOSITAccess Full TextTitleTypeAuthor(s)
18-Nov-2024Exploiting SORN-arithmetic for efficient cross correlation in low-complexity FPGAsinProceedingsRust, Jochen  ; Henkel, Marvin ; Hulsmeier, Nils ; Bärthel, Moritz ; Paul, Steffen 
18-Nov-2024Quantitative evaluation on the limits of SORN arithmetic hardware circuitsinProceedingsBärthel, Moritz ; Hulsmeier, Nils ; Rust, Jochen  ; Paul, Steffen 
5-Dec-2024Pulse wave measurement with in-ear headphones while music playbackArticleKusche, Roman  ; Dichte, Daniel ; Gomez, Jean Carlos Herzog ; Thölen, Tobias 
31-Oct-2024Mediation-Based MLM in USEinProceedingsBalaban, Mira ; Hamann, Lars  ; Khais, Gil ; Saad, Amiel Amram ; Maraee, Azzam ; Sturm, Arnon 
6-Dec-2024Transformative Sozialwissenschaft und radikale Demokratie : eine kurze Reflexion über die Settlement SociologyinBookGüntner, Simon  
6-Dec-2024Soziologie in der vielschichtigen Stadtbook
16-Dec-2024Sanfte Stadterneuerung Revisited : Wiener Handlungsstrategien für den Bestandbook
31-Oct-2024Jahrbuch StadtRegion 2023/2024 : Stadt, Raum und Gesundheitbook
21-Jan-2025Kleinräumige und soziallagendifferenzierte Betrachtungen der Inanspruchnahme von Früherkennungsuntersuchungen in der Stadt Hamburg : eine SekundärdatenanalyseArticleKubat, Denise ; Meinert, Nele  ; Busch, Susanne ; Swart, Enno 
Feb-2024Ionenfallen-Quantencomputer Teil 1: 1-Qubit-GatterReportBaumann, Bernd  
26-Oct-2024Theorien und Modelle zur Beschreibung und Erklärung des GesundheitsverhaltensinBookLippke, Sonia  ; Bengel, Jürgen 
28-Dec-2024Modelling the compensatory and carry-over effects between physical activity and fruit-vegetable consumption in young adultsArticleDuan, Yanping ; Liang, Wei ; Wang, Yanping ; Hu, Chun ; Lippke, Sonia  
23-Oct-2024Health behavior change : living reference work entryinBookLippke, Sonia  ; Gan, Yiqun 
Dec-2024Attribute-based authentication and authorization for IoT devices in 5G networksPosterKaven, Sascha  ; Tripathi, Shashank Shekher  ; Volkmann, Moritz  ; Skwarek, Volker  
31-Dec-2024Secure identities for renewable energy sources through self-sovereign identity and attribute-based access controlinProceedingsVolkmann, Moritz  ; Kaven, Sascha  ; Tripathi, Shashank Shekher  ; Skwarek, Volker  
7-Mar-2024Transformative organisational learning for sustainability in higher education : a literature review and an international multi-case studyArticleViera Trevisan, Laís ; Leal Filho, Walter  ; Ávila Pedrozo, Eugênio 
8-Feb-2024The impacts of the COVID-19 lockdowns on the work of academic staff at higher education institutions: an international assessmentArticleLeal Filho, Walter  ; Wall, Tony ; Lange Salvia, Amanda ; Vasconcelos, Claudio Ruy ; Abubakar, Ismaila Rimi ; Minhas, Aprajita ; Mifsud, Mark ; Kozlova, Valerija ; Orlovic Lovren, Violeta ; Azadi, Hossein ; Sharifi, Ayyoob ; Kovaleva, Marina ; LeVasseur, Todd Jared ; Luetz, Johannes ; Velazquez, Luis ; Singh, Priyatma ; Pretorius, Rudi ; Akib, Noor Adelyna Mohammed ; Savelyeva, Tamara ; Brandli, Luciana Londero ; Muthu, Nandhivarman ; Lombardi, Patrizia 
10-Jul-2024Effective domestic climate policies to protect small island statesArticleLeal Filho, Walter  ; Luetz, Johannes M. ; Nunn, Patrick D. ; Turagabeci, Amelia ; Campbell, Donovan 
29-Mar-2024Climate-friendly healthcare : reducing the impacts of the healthcare sector on the world’s climateArticleLeal Filho, Walter  ; Luetz, Johannes M. ; Thanekar, Urvi D. ; Dinis, Maria Alzira Pimenta ; Forrester, Mike 
14-Mar-2024A ticket to where? Dwindling snow cover impacts the winter tourism sector as a consequence of climate changeArticleLeal Filho, Walter  ; Dinis, Maria Alzira Pimenta ; Nagy, Gustavo J. ; Fracassi, Umberto ; Aina, Yusuf Adedoyin 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 9271