Publisher DOI: 10.1007/s13272-022-00608-z
Title: Enhancement of the virtual design platform for modeling a functional system architecture of complex cabin systems
Other Titles: Erweiterung einer virtuellen Entwicklungsumgebung für komplexe Kabinensysteme durch funktionale Architekturmodelle
Language: English
Authors: Fuchs, Mara 
Ghanjaoui, Yassine 
Abulawi, Jutta 
Biedermann, Jörn 
Nagel, Björn 
metadata.local.contributorCorporate.other: Institut für Systemarchitekturen in der Luftfahrt 
Keywords: Cabin; Cabin systems; Conceptual system design; MBSE; SysML; Functional System Architecture
Issue Date: 22-Aug-2022
Publisher: Springer
Journal or Series Name: CEAS aeronautical journal : an official journal of the Council of European Aerospace Societies 
Model-based systems engineering (MBSE) is a fundamental approach for the end-to-end use of digital models in the development of complex systems. The aviation industry in particular, where system complexity is constantly increasing, needs new concepts and methods to overcome ecological and socio-economic challenges. Therefore, domain-specific models are needed for the design and evaluation of systems to support the various system investigations, such as requirements management, installation space optimization, or failure analyses. An end-to-end coupling and linking of these mostly heterogeneous systems offer many advantages (e.g. shorter development times) over working with isolated digital sub-models, natural language documents, and purely physical prototypes. In addition, digitalization allows global and interdisciplinary collaboration of multiple teams of experts on the same virtual product. Since this approach is particularly promising for the configuration of aircraft cabins, a virtual development platform is developed at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) for the conceptual design of the aircraft cabin and its systems. As a result, virtual prototypes of cabin configurations are quickly generated to allow new concepts to be visualized and investigated at an early design stage. Extending the conceptual cabin system design process with a functional system architecture and executable system architecture models promotes information traceability, early failure detection, and requirements verification. The methodology used for this purpose is presented in this paper. The systems modeling language (SysML) is used to build a model for the functional depiction of cabin systems and to link it to existing models of the conceptual cabin design process. The modeling is performed exemplarily for the passenger service functions. Subsequently, the results are automatically transferred to the virtual development platform to experience the generated cabin concept.
ISSN: 1869-5590
Review status: This version was reviewed (alternative review procedure)
Institute: Fakultät Technik und Informatik 
Department Fahrzeugtechnik und Flugzeugbau 
Forschungs- und Transferzentrum Future Air Mobility 
Type: Article
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