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Title: Towards extended reality soundwalks as community noise communication tool
Language: English
Authors: Petersen, Iwer  
Editor: Wohlgemuth, Volker 
Naumann, Stefan 
Arndt, Hans-Knud 
Behrens, Grit 
Höb, Maximilian 
Keywords: spatial audio; immersive audio; soundscape
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
Part of Series: EnviroInfo 2022 : Short-/Work in Progress-Papers ; September 26-28, 2022 Hamburg, Germany 
Journal or Series Name: GI-Edition: Lecture Notes in Informatics 
Volume: P-328
Startpage: 35
Endpage: 42
Project: Open Citizen Soundwalks 
Conference: EnviroInfo 2022 
Noise is getting increasing attention as environmental factor. Communication of potential impact to affected citizens is part of a participatory approach to many projects like e.g., in windenergy projects. Sound, however, is hard to grasp by non-specialists looking at commonly used metrics. Noise maps from sound simulations are often used to communicate expected noise levels from certain sources but only provide abstract insights that still can be hard to transfer for nonexperts. Extended reality (XR) in combination with real-time spatial audio allows to explore the impact of future projects in the built environment as a direct experience. While the generation of a visual environment poses no greater challenge by using geospatial data, realistic modelling of a spatial soundscape from multiple point-sound-sources is not trivial. This paper reflects on the challenges to present an audio-visual windfarm in XR, outlines established techniques that have proven useful as well as challenges and opportunities in creating, delivering, and evaluating virtual soundscapes.
ISBN: 978-3-88579-722-7
ISSN: 1617-5468
Review status: This version was peer reviewed (peer review)
Institute: Competence Center Erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz 
Type: Chapter/Article (Proceedings)
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