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Publisher DOI: 10.1109/EEM58374.2023.10161865
Title: Increasing the share of renewable energy in the transport sector : effects of modified multiple crediting factors in the German environmental economic instrument GHG Quota (“THG-Minderungsquote”)
Language: English
Authors: Bannert, Jonas 
Schütte, Carsten  
von Düsterlho, Jens-Eric 
Other : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 
Keywords: GHG quota; THG-Minderungsquote; Transport Sector; Environmental Economic Instrument; Defossilization
Issue Date: 3-Jul-2023
Publisher: IEEE
Part of Series: 2023 19th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM) : 6.-8. June 2023, Lappeenranta, Finland 
Project: Reallabor: NDRL - Norddeutsches Reallabor; Teilvorhaben: Transformation, Arbeitsmarkt und Qualifizierung, Markt und Geschäftsmodelle und H2 in der Kupferindustrie 
Conference: International Conference on the European Energy Markets 2023 
The German environmental economic instrument greenhouse gas quota (“Treibhausgas-Minderungsquote” – GHG quota) requires fossil fuel distributors to conclude GHG quota trading contracts for an increasing share of their fossil fuel sales volume. These GHG quota trading contracts are generated through renewable energy fulfillment options. Currently, modifications to the GHG quota`s variable multiple crediting factor are being discussed in the political-legal discourse at national and EU levels, which also affects the revenues generated by the GHG quota. This paper analyzes these modifications in certain multiple crediting factor scenarios for the years 2023 and 2030. Depending on the scenario, the GHG quota can be generate revenues of up to 0.55 €/kWh for renewable electricity, up to 0.54 €/kWh (17.91 €/kg) for green hydrogen and up to 0.47 €/kWh (2.77 €/l) for advanced biofuels. Thus, the GHG quota has a decisive influence on market ramp-up of renewable energy in the transport sector. The analysis of the multiple crediting factor scenarios concludes that from an environmental economic point of view the politically discussed scenarios should not be implemented and therefore the current baseline scenario should be kept.
ISBN: 979-8-3503-1258-4
Review status: This version was peer reviewed (peer review)
Institute: Competence Center Erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz 
Department Wirtschaft 
Fakultät Wirtschaft und Soziales 
Type: Chapter/Article (Proceedings)
Additional note: Preprint: Verlagsversion:
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