Titel: Fuel Consumption due to Shaft Power Off-Takes from the Engine
Sprache: Englisch
Autorenschaft: Scholz, Dieter  
Seresinhe, Ravinka 
Staack, Ingo 
Lawson, Craig 
Herausgeber*In: von Estorff, Otto 
Schlagwörter: Airframe Systems and Equipment; Information and Communication Management; Materials and Production; Cabin and Comfort
Erscheinungsdatum: 2013
Verlag: Aachen ; Shaker Verlag
Buchtitel: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Aircraft System Technologies
Teil der Schriftenreihe: Berichte aus der Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik 
Anfangsseite: 169
Endseite: 179
Konferenz: International Workshop on Aircraft System Technologies 2013 
This paper looks at fuel consumption due to shaft power off-takes from the engine and the related increase in the aircraft’s fuel consumption. It presents a review and comparison of published and unpublished data on this kind of consumption. Insight is given into the effects caused by off-takes, looking at phenomena inside the engine when shaft power is extracted. The paper presents results from the TURBOMATCH engine simulation model, calibrated to real world engine data. Generic equations are derived for the calculation of fuel consumption due to shaft power extraction and values are presented for different flight altitudes and Mach numbers. Main result is the shaft power factor kP found to be in the order of 0.002 N/W for a typical cruise flight. This yields an amazingly high efficiency for power generation by shaft power extraction from a turbo fan engine of more than 70 %.
ISBN: 978-3-8440-1850-9
Einrichtung: Department Fahrzeugtechnik und Flugzeugbau 
Fakultät Technik und Informatik 
Dokumenttyp: Konferenzveröffentlichung
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Publications without full text

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