Publisher DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.343
Title: Using structured low-rank tensors for multilinear modeling of building systems
Language: English
Authors: Schnelle, Leona 
Heinrich, Johannes 
Schneidewind, Joel 
Jacob, Dirk 
Lichtenberg, Gerwald  
Editor: Ishii, Hideaki 
Ebihara, Yoshio 
Imura, Jun-ichi 
Yamakita, Masaki 
Keywords: Multilinear models; tensor decomposition; parameter identification; building systems; anomaly detection
Issue Date: 22-Nov-2023
Publisher: Elsevier
Book title: 22nd IFAC World Congress: Yokohama, Japan, July 9-14, 2023 : International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress ; proceedings
Journal or Series Name: IFAC-PapersOnLine 
Volume: 56
Issue: 2
Startpage: 7306
Endpage: 7311
Conference: International Federation of Automatic Control World Congress 2023 
The paper proposes a low-rank structured parameter identification method for multilinear models. Multilinear models extend the class of linear time-invariant models and can depict more complex dynamics. Tensor representations of these models keep the dimensionality but provide very efficient storage and computation methods of the models by applying decomposition and normalization procedures. The proposed parameter identification method is an automated grey box approach, where no manual modeling is required. A pre-structuring process reduces the parameter identification problem and converts it to a sparse representation to make it applicable to large scale applications while preserving the interpretability of the parameters as property of the normalized multilinear models. An application example for anomaly detection of building systems is given with simulation data for the HVAC system of a seminar room.
ISSN: 2405-8963
Review status: This version was peer reviewed (peer review)
Institute: Department Medizintechnik 
Fakultät Life Sciences 
Type: Chapter/Article (Proceedings)
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