DC ElementWertSprache
dc.contributor.authorMünch, Lukas-
dc.contributor.authorRose, Philip-
dc.contributor.authorLinke, Markus-
dc.contributor.authorMiddendorf, Peter-
dc.description.abstractThe application of the Finite Element Method (FEM) has developed considerably in recent decades. While in the early days of the FEM only linear-elastic material models were available in commercial Finite Element (FE) programs, today non-linear and also damage-considering material models are offered. But even these are often not capable of correctly representing the complex material behaviour of modern composite materials. Therefore, FE programs often provide the users with the option of integrating their own material models into the simulation. These programs, often called "user subroutines" or "user materials", represent an intensively researched area in the simulation of material behaviour, which is reflected in the large number of publications on such developments (exemplarily see [1, 2]). These material models often require a large amount of data values if they are introduced within the simulation model by finite elements [2]. Especially in the field of composites there is a need to use a separate "user material" for each constituent material. Since there is a mutual interaction between the components in real composites, it is obvious that this interaction must also be represented between the material models within a simulation in order to make accurate predictions about the material behaviour. To enable such an interaction between different material models in a simulation, a communication during runtime is required in which additionally needed data from the surrounding elements is exchanged between the user materials. In this paper, a method is presented to enable such information exchange during simulation runtime in the commercial FE software ABAQUS/CAE 2019 (Dassault Systèmes, Vélizy-Villacoublay, France) using external databases as well as structured global arrays and some built-in functions of the software. This allows the simultaneous application of several advanced user material models within one simulation and enable them to communicate during runtime, resulting in the possibility of making high accurate simulations of composite materials. REFERENCES [1] B.L.V. Bak, A. Turon, E. Lindgaard, E. Lund, A benchmark study of simulation methods for high-cycle fatigue-driven delamination based on cohesive zone models, Composite Structures Vol. 164, pp. 198–206, Elsevier, 2017 [2] R. Sachse, A. K. Pickett, W. Essig, P. Middendorf, Experimental and numerical investigation of the influence of rivetless nut plate joints on fatigue crack growth in adhesively bonded composite joints. International Journal of Fatigue Vol. 105, pp. 262–275, 2017.en
dc.description.sponsorshipBundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutzen_US
dc.subjectCommunication during run timeen_US
dc.subjectFinite Element (FE)en_US
dc.subject.ddc620: Ingenieurwissenschaftenen_US
dc.titleA method for communication between user Materials during runtime in ABAQUSen
dc.relation.conferenceEuropean Congress on Computernal Methods in Applied Science and Engineering 2022en_US
local.contributorPerson.editorKvamdal, Trond-
local.contributorPerson.editorMathisen, Kjell Magne-
local.contributorPerson.editorLie, Knut-Andreas-
local.contributorPerson.editorLarson, Mats G.-
tuhh.publication.instituteDepartment Fahrzeugtechnik und Flugzeugbauen_US
tuhh.publication.instituteFakultät Technik und Informatiken_US
tuhh.relation.ispartofseriesThe 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering : ECCOMAS Congress 2022en_US
tuhh.type.opusInProceedings (Aufsatz / Paper einer Konferenz etc.)-
dc.relation.projectVerbundvorhaben: Joining with predictable Damage Tolerance; Teilvorhaben: CrackJump - Verbesserte Schadenstoleranz von Klebeverbindungen durch Vorhersage des Einflusses von intralaminarem Ermüdungsrisswachstum in CFK-Fügepartnernen_US
dc.type.casraiConference Paper-
item.tuhhseriesidThe 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering : ECCOMAS Congress 2022-
item.seriesrefThe 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering : ECCOMAS Congress 2022-
item.creatorOrcidMünch, Lukas-
item.creatorOrcidRose, Philip-
item.creatorOrcidLinke, Markus-
item.creatorOrcidMiddendorf, Peter-
item.creatorGNDMünch, Lukas-
item.creatorGNDRose, Philip-
item.creatorGNDLinke, Markus-
item.creatorGNDMiddendorf, Peter-
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
crisitem.author.deptDepartment Fahrzeugtechnik und Flugzeugbau-
crisitem.author.deptDepartment Fahrzeugtechnik und Flugzeugbau-
crisitem.author.parentorgFakultät Technik und Informatik-
crisitem.author.parentorgFakultät Technik und Informatik-
crisitem.project.funderBundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz-
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Publications without full text
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