Publisher DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2411.00149
Title: A "symbolic" representation of object-nets (extended version)
Language: English
Authors: Köhler-Bußmeier, Michael  
Capra, Lorenzo 
Keywords: Computer Science - Logic in Computer Science; 68Q10; F.1.1; automorphism; canonical representation; nets within nets; nets as tokens; state space reductions; symmetry
Issue Date: 31-Oct-2024
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In this contribution we extend the concept of a Petri net morphism to Elementary Object Systems (EOS). EOS are a nets-within-nets formalism, i.e. we allow the tokens of a Petri net to be Petri nets again. This nested structure has the consequence that even systems defined by very small Petri nets have a quite huge reachability graph. In this contribution we use automorphism to describe symmetries of the Petri net topology. Since these symmetries carry over to markings as well this leads to a condensed state space, too.
Review status: Only preprints: This version has not yet been reviewed
Institute: Department Informatik 
Fakultät Technik und Informatik 
Type: Preprint
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