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Title: Attribute-based authentication and authorization for IoT devices in 5G networks
Language: English
Authors: Kaven, Sascha  
Tripathi, Shashank Shekher  
Volkmann, Moritz  
Skwarek, Volker  
Keywords: 5G; Authorization; Authentication; ABAC; IoT
Issue Date: Dec-2024
Publisher: ACSAC
Project: Attribute Based Access Control für 5G und 6G Mobilfunknetze 
Conference: Annual Computer Security Applications Conference 2024 
This poster addresses critical security vulnerabilities in 5G-integrated IoT environments by introducing an identity-token-based authentication and access control (AAC) framework. Improving on key cybersecurity concepts such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) and zero-trust architecture, this framework generates unique identity tokens using a range of attributes including IoT device metadata, user identities and real-time geolocation data. By employing behavioural attributes, the system dynamically adjusts access controls based on real-time user behaviour and environmental context addressing common and recent attacks on IoTs in a 5G environment. By optimizing signaling efficiency and minimizing computational overhead, the proposed solution enhances both network and device performance, while addressing the scalability, latency, and security challenges inherent in current 5G and IoT authentication and access control mechanisms.
Review status: This version was peer reviewed (peer review)
Institute: Forschungs- und Transferzentrum CyberSec 
Department Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen 
Fakultät Life Sciences 
Type: Poster
Funded by: Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik 
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