Publisher DOI: 10.1007/s10898-024-01376-2
Title: On the use of overlapping convex hull relaxations to solve nonconvex MINLPs
Language: English
Authors: Wu, Ouyang 
Muts, Pavlo 
Nowak, Ivo 
Hendrix, Eligius M.T. 
Keywords: Column generation; Decomposition method; Mixed-integer nonlinear programming; Nonconvex optimization; Parallel computing
Issue Date: 22-Mar-2024
Publisher: Springer
Journal or Series Name: Journal of Global Optimization 
Volume: 91
Startpage: 415
Endpage: 436
We present a novel relaxation for general nonconvex sparse MINLP problems, called overlapping convex hull relaxation (CHR). It is defined by replacing all nonlinear constraint sets by their convex hulls. If the convex hulls are disjunctive, e.g. if the MINLP is block-separable, the CHR is equivalent to the convex hull relaxation obtained by (standard) column generation (CG). The CHR can be used for computing an initial lower bound in the root node of a branch-and-bound algorithm, or for computing a start vector for a local-search-based MINLP heuristic. We describe a dynamic block and column generation (DBCG) MINLP algorithm to generate the CHR by dynamically adding aggregated blocks. The idea of adding aggregated blocks in the CHR is similar to the well-known cutting plane approach. Numerical experiments on nonconvex MINLP instances show that the duality gap can be significantly reduced with the results of CHRs. DBCG is implemented as part of the CG-MINLP framework Decogo, see
ISSN: 1573-2916
Review status: This version was peer reviewed (peer review)
Institute: Department Maschinenbau und Produktion 
Fakultät Technik und Informatik 
Type: Article
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