Publisher DOI: 10.1007/s10957-024-02391-9
Title: On optimizing ensemble models using column generation
Language: English
Authors: Aziz, Vanya 
Wu, Ouyang 
Nowak, Ivo 
Hendrix, Eligius M.T. 
Kronqvist, Jan 
Keywords: Column generation; Ensemble; Linear programming; Machine learning; Pricing problem
Issue Date: 22-Feb-2024
Publisher: Springer
Journal or Series Name: Journal of optimization theory and applications 
Volume: 203
Startpage: 1794
Endpage: 1819
In recent years, an interest appeared in integrating various optimization algorithms in machine learning. We study the potential of ensemble learning in classification tasks and how to efficiently decompose the underlying optimization problem. Ensemble learning has become popular for machine learning applications and it is particularly interesting from an optimization perspective due to its resemblance to column generation. The challenge for learning is not only to obtain a good fit for the training data set, but also good generalization, such that the classifier is generally applicable. Deep networks have the drawback that they require a lot of computational effort to get to an accurate classification. Ensemble learning can combine various weak learners, which individually require less computational time. We consider binary classification problems studying a three-phase algorithm. After initializing a set of base learners refined by a bootstrapping approach, base learners are generated using the solution of an linear programming (LP) master problem and then solving a machine learning sub-problem regarding a reduced data set, which can be viewed as a so-called pricing problem. We theoretically show that the algorithm computes an optimal ensemble model in the convex hull of a given model space. The implementation of the algorithm is part of an ensemble learning framework called decolearn. Numerical experiments with CIFAR-10 data set show that the base learners are diverse and that both the training and generalization error are reduced after several iterations.
ISSN: 1573-2878
Review status: This version was peer reviewed (peer review)
Institute: Department Maschinenbau und Produktion 
Fakultät Technik und Informatik 
Type: Article
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