Titel: A Mobility Logic for Object Net Systems
Sprache: Englisch
Autorenschaft: Heitmann, Frank 
Köhler-Bußmeier, Michael  
Herausgeber*In: Köhler-Bußmeier, Michael  
Erscheinungsdatum: 2012
Verlag: Bibliothek des Fachbereichs Informatik
Buchtitel: Joint proceedings of the International Workshops LAM'12, WooPS 2012, and CompoNet 2012
Teil der Schriftenreihe: Mitteilung / Universität Hamburg, Fachbereich Informatik 
Bandangabe: 348
Zeitschrift oder Schriftenreihe: CEUR workshop proceedings 
Zeitschriftenband: 853
Anfangsseite: 19
Endseite: 34
Konferenz: International Workshop on Logics, Agents and Mobility 2012 
In this paper we present work in progress on a special variant of Object Petri Nets and on the introduction of a Mobility Logic to reason about them.

The Petri nets considered in this paper allow the vertical transport of net tokens i.e. the transport of net tokens through different nesting levels, giving one enhanced modelling capabilities and allowing one to naturally model certain situations arising in nested structures. The logic then allows us not only to reason about the evolution of the described system in time, but also about spatial configurations, i.e. in this logic we can express for example, that a certain object or agent is always somewhere or at a specific location. This part of our work is inspired by the work of Cardelli and Gordon on the Ambient Calculus and the Ambient Logic.
ISSN: 1613-0073
Einrichtung: Universität Hamburg 
Dokumenttyp: Konferenzveröffentlichung
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