Publisher DOI: 10.1093/intqhc/13.4.325
Title: Development process of an evidence-based guideline for the treatment of obesity
Language: English
Authors: Gandjour, Afschin 
Westenhöfer, Joachim  
Wirth, Alfred 
Fuchs, Christiane 
Lauterbach, Karl 
Issue Date: Sep-2001
Journal or Series Name: International Journal for Quality in Health Care 
Volume: 13
Issue: 4
Startpage: 325
Endpage: 332
Objectives: To present the development process, summarize the content and discuss the implications of the German evidence-based guideline for the treatment of obesity. Design: The target audience and the development process were defined by a multidisciplinary team of experts. A systematic search of the literature was performed to identify relevant clinical articles. The validity of published studies was systematically evaluated. After developing the draft, an external peer review process was initiated. Results: Three versions of the guideline were published; an expert version, a short version tailored to primary care physicians and a patient version supporting patient participation in the decision-making process. Total development, printing and distribution costs xvere estimated to be 300,000 Euro. Conclusions: The guideline raises the awareness of obesity and related comorbidities in Germany and may improve the quality of care for obese patients. The development process could serve as an efficient model for other guideline developers.
Institute: Department Gesundheitswissenschaften 
Fakultät Life Sciences 
Type: Article
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