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Publisher DOI: 10.4455/eu.2019.050
Title: Minerals and vitamins in sports nutrition : position of the working group sports nutrition of the German Nutrition Society (DGE)
Other Titles: Mineralstoffe und Vitamine im Sport : Position der Arbeitsgruppe Sporternährung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung e. V. (DGE)
Language: English
Authors: Carlsohn, Anja 
Braun, Hans 
Großhauser, Mareike 
König, Daniel 
Lampen, Alfonso 
Mosler, Stephanie 
Nieß, Andreas 
Oberritter, Helmut 
Schäbethal, Klaus 
Schek, Alexandra 
Stehle, Peter 
Virmani, Kiran 
Ziegenhagen, Rainer 
Heseker, Helmut 
Keywords: sports nutrition; minerals; vitamins; exercise-associated requirements; supply situation; exercise performance; Sporternährung; Mineralstoffe; Vitamine; Mikronährstoffe; sportbedingte Mehrbedarfe; Versorgungslage; Leistungsfähigkeit
Issue Date: 11-Dec-2019
Publisher: Umschau-Zeitschriftenverlag
Journal or Series Name: Ernährungs-Umschau : Forschung & Praxis 
Volume: 66
Issue: 12
Startpage: 250
Endpage: 257
An adequate intake of minerals and vitamins is essential for health and performance of athletes. Depending on the type of sport and the inten-sity and scope of physical performance, as well as individual factors (such as dietary behavior, perspiration rate and composition of perspiration), athletes may be at an increased risk of suboptimal micronutrient supply. This position paper will provide an overview of the potential causes of deficient micronutrient supply in athletes, such as increased requirements as a result of enhanced energy metabolism, higher losses associated with physical activity, and special diets associated with sport in general or par-ticular types of sport. This position statement will also present the proven effects of insufficient micronutrient supply on the health and performance of athletes, and the effects on their supply situation. In summary, it can be concluded that with a balanced diet that covers energy requirements, the D-A-CH reference values for micronutrients can usually be attained without any problems. However, in certain situations (such as strenuous endurance exercise or weight reduction, or in the case of lopsided eating habits or hypocaloric diets), iron, calcium, sodium and vitamin D may be critical nutrients for athletes. A diet that is adapted to the individual and covers all requirements is achievable even in the case of high metabolic demands, and such a diet can reduce the risk of nutrient deficiencies.
ISSN: 0174-0008
Review status: This version was peer reviewed (peer review)
Institute: Department Ökotrophologie 
Fakultät Life Sciences 
Type: Article
Additional note: Deutsche Version (M712 bis M719): Englische Version:
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