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Titel: Analysis of SARS Containment policies adopted by SARS affected and non affected countries
Sprache: Englisch
Autorenschaft: Mali, Rajesh 
Schlagwörter: SARS; containment policy
Erscheinungsdatum: 10-Mai-2007
Newly emerged SARS corona virus infection outbreak started in China in November 2002, spread across the 30 countries in a short period World health organization issued global health alert and travel advice first time in history and the cascade reaction to control SARS started. SARS affected and non affec-ted countries implemented measures to control SARS and prevent importation, at local to National level and extended cooperation to international level.
Methods: Study of official documents of SARS control measures taken by twelve countries from 3 categories, four countries with SARS out break, 4 countries with imported cases and non- SARS case countries. analysis focused on National legal frame work, Early detection of cases, reporting, contact tracing and isolation measures, Measures for infection control and protection of health care workers, Preparedness and response to health care facilities, Travel related measures, Measures for Laboratory safety and diagnosis, Public education and communication. Results: Policy analysis show all the countries took measures to control SARS or to prohibit the entry of infection in to there territory. They differ according to the magnitude of infection, susceptible and at the risk population, political commitments, international pressure, fear of importation and exportation of infection, infrastructures and resources available, intensity of rumor and fear in the society.
Discussion: SARS epidemic controlled successfully with the help of all nations across the world under the leadership of WHO. Control measures seem effective but not all proved their efficacy and sustainability for long term. Effective surveillance, transparent, accurate and timely reporting of event like SARS, early identification and isolation of cases are the key of emerging infectious disease control.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12738/6229
Einrichtung: Department Gesundheitswissenschaften 
Dokumenttyp: Abschlussarbeit
Abschlussarbeitentyp: Masterarbeit
Hauptgutachter*in: Reintjes, Ralf 
Gutachter*in der Arbeit: Kassen, A. 
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Theses

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