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Titel: Entwicklung Standards für die Ausbildung bei Cleanaway : Chancen für die Zukunft
Sprache: Deutsch
Autorenschaft: Schmiedel, Christine 
Schlagwörter: Beurfsausbildung; duale System; Großunternehmen; Cleanaway; apprenticeship; company; Cleanaway
Erscheinungsdatum: 21-Aug-2006
Die Anforderungen, die in Zukunft an die Auszubildenden in Großunternehmen gestellt werden, umfassen immer komplexere und wissensintensivere Arbeitssituationen, die durch eine weiter voranschreitende Globalisierung geprägt werden. Das hat zur Folge, dass schon heute die Auszubildenden darauf vorbereitet werden müssen, sich kontinuierlich weiter zu bilden, um den Ansprüchen gerecht zu werden. Eine häufig unbeachtete Thematik der Zukunft ist auch der demographische Wandel der sich in den nächsten Jahren verstärkt bemerkbar machen wird.
Cleanaway Deutschland beschäftigt in Deutschland 2800 Mitarbeiter, von denen 78 Auszubildende sind. Im Bereich der Ausbildung gilt es Rahmenbedingung zu etablieren, die es ermöglichen, nicht auf Veränderungen zu reagieren, sondern eine aktive Personalpolitik zu betreiben. Aufgrund seiner Größe hat Cleanaway eine soziale Verantwortung gegenüber der Gesellschaft des Landes zu tragen. Dazu ist es notwendig, die vorhandenen Strukturen im Bereich Berufsausbildung in innovative Geschäftsprozesse umzusetzen. Diese sollen die Berufsausbildung auf einen neuen Weg bringen, um die Unternehmensziele auch in Zukunft zu erfüllen.

As already supposed in the introduction there are no standards for apprenticeships within the Cleanaway Deutschland. The trainers try to cultivate and demand apprentices in a best way possible, but clear frame provided by the company is missing. Herein guidelines should be defined to which the decisions of the trainer can be leaded to. As a result, the task was to identify the current apprenticeship situation and to develop standards for the future. Findings result from a questionnaire based enquiry of between trainers and apprentices. The results show clear deficiencies in the organisation of the apprenticeship with along going dissatisfaction and insecurity among the apprentices. There were no guidelines delivered to trainers that could have made their work easier.
These developed standards offer an activity frame for trainers with a maximum possible flexibility and action security. In the future apprentices will be put in responsibilities and in interesting jobs. This will lead to bigger scopes and will support the development of key qualifications. Implementation of selected knowledge management tools serve as a possibility to develop a knowledge pool of trainers and apprentices. Eventually trainees develop their competencies to provide them as an useful resource to the company. One of these tools is among others knowledge sharing between the trainer and apprentices. Consequent use of the intranet give trainers the possibility to share the own experiences with others. Also strengthened integration of managers and supervisors in each department will improve the reputation of the apprentice within the company.
The developed standards induce more security for the company in recruiting employees internally. These will be provided with necessary competencies and skills to look forward into the future of a working environment. Future business success will be improved. Apprentices get the opportunity to provide value addition in the company by these standards. This can reduce costs on a long-term. A missing rating system on a company-wide level anticipates a consistent rating of apprentices. This has made the exchange of previous apprentices to another subsidiary after finishing the apprenticeship difficult. By the implementation of a company-wide rating system this barrier could be eliminated. This makes it possible for the company to carry on a flexible human resources development management and to give young employees a chance for starting career at the same time. By consequent education of job newcomer aspired by the company knowledge, skills and qualifications of apprentices will be developed early new tasks in the company.
Cleanaway Deutschland has to meet its duty as a nation-wide enterprise company and responsible apprenticeship company and offer the young people a futurepromotional apprenticeship.
With the developed standards Cleanaway is in the position to generate advantages from the apprenticeship activities. The standards enable Cleanaway Deutschland to design the future company today.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12738/9825
Einrichtung: Department Ökotrophologie 
Dokumenttyp: Abschlussarbeit
Abschlussarbeitentyp: Masterarbeit
Hauptgutachter*in: Huth, Elke 
Gutachter*in der Arbeit: Karsten, Uwe 
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Theses

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