Verlagslink DOI: 10.3390/agriculture13102037
Titel: The application of artificial intelligence models for food security : a review
Sprache: Englisch
Autorenschaft: Sarku, Rebecca 
Clemen, Ulfia A.  
Clemen, Thomas  
Herausgeber*In: Yuan, Jin 
Huang, Zichen 
Schlagwörter: Artificial Intelligence; food security; machine learning; Global South; funding
Erscheinungsdatum: 23-Okt-2023
Verlag: MDPI
Zeitschrift oder Schriftenreihe: Agriculture 
Zeitschriftenband: 13
Zeitschriftenausgabe: 10
Emerging technologies associated with Artificial Intelligence (AI) have enabled improvements in global food security situations. However, there is a limited understanding regarding the extent to which stakeholders are involved in AI modelling research for food security purposes. This study systematically reviews the existing literature to bridge the knowledge gap in AI and food security, focusing on software modelling perspectives. The study found the application of AI models to examine various indicators of food security across six continents, with most studies conducted in sub-Saharan Africa. While research organisations conducting AI modelling were predominantly based in Europe or the Americas, their study communities were in the Global South. External funders also supported AI modelling research on food security through international universities and research institutes, although some collaborations with local organisations and external partners were identified. The analysis revealed three patterns in the application of AI models for food security research: (1) the exclusive utilisation of AI models to assess food security situations, (2) stakeholder involvement in some aspects of the AI modelling process, and (3) stakeholder involvement in AI modelling for food security through an iterative process. Overall, studies on AI models for food security were primarily experimental and lacked real-life implementation of the results with stakeholders. Consequently, this study concluded that research on AI, which incorporates feedback and/or the implementation of research outcomes for stakeholders, can contribute to learning and enhance the validity of the models in addressing food security challenges.
DOI: 10.48441/4427.1072
ISSN: 2077-0472
Begutachtungsstatus: Diese Version hat ein Peer-Review-Verfahren durchlaufen (Peer Review)
Einrichtung: Department Informatik 
Fakultät Technik und Informatik 
Forschungsgruppe Multi-Agenten Systeme und Data Science 
Dokumenttyp: Zeitschriftenbeitrag
Hinweise zur Quelle: Sarku, R.; Clemen, U.A.; Clemen, T. The Application of Artificial Intelligence Models for Food Security: A Review. Agriculture 2023, 13, 2037. The APC was funded by Hamburg University of Applied Sciences.
Sponsor / Fördernde Einrichtung: Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg 
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Publications with full text

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