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Collection's Items (Sorted by Einreichdatum in Absteigend order): 201 to 207 of 207
ErscheinungsdatumDokument in REPOSITZugang zum VolltextTitelTypAutorenschaft
Feb-2019Fulltext availableOpen AccessResonance frequencies and sound absorption of Helmholtz resonators with multiple necksArticleLangfeldt, Felix  ; Hoppen, Hannah ; Gleine, Wolfgang 
7-Jul-2016Fulltext availableOpen AccessA membrane-type acoustic metamaterial with adjustable acoustic propertiesArticleLangfeldt, Felix  ; Riecken, Jim ; Gleine, Wolfgang ; von Estorff, Otto 
2017Fulltext availableOpen AccessAircraft cabin air and engine oil : a systems engineering viewPresentationScholz, Dieter  
25-Apr-2017Fulltext availableOpen AccessPerforated membrane-type acoustic metamaterialsArticleLangfeldt, Felix  ; Kemsies, Hannes ; Gleine, Wolfgang ; von Estorff, Otto 
2014Fulltext availableOpen AccessProf. Galea warns: certification rules for aircraft evacuation are not adequateReportScholz, Dieter  
25-Jun-2015Fulltext availableOpen AccessInnovative aircraft design : options for a new medium range aircraftPresentationScholz, Dieter  
Aug-2015Fulltext availableOpen AccessAnalytical model for low-frequency transmission loss calculation of membranes loaded with arbitrarily shaped massesArticleLangfeldt, Felix  ; Gleine, Wolfgang ; von Estorff, Otto 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Einreichdatum in Absteigend order): 201 to 207 of 207