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Title: Conduction and evaluation of temperature, CO and O2 measurements in the calciner of kiln 11 in Lägerdorf to define optimized set points for calciner temperature
Language: English
Authors: Berndt, Markus 
Issue Date: 5-Jan-2017
The topic of this thesis is an operational test in the plant Lägerdorf measuring CO, O2 and temperature along the calciner aiming at optimized set points for calciner temperature. Kiln stops and CO stratifications could be reduced.
Data for this study were collected in several measuring campaigns in August and September 2016. Lowering the temperature of the calciner from 930 °C to 890 °C in steps of 10 °C and the use of two different measuring instruments required en-tensive measurement activities. In a detailed overview the paper provides all data concerning process parameters, CO and O2 concentrations and local temperatures.
First, the results of the measuring campaigns reveal that the CO concentration in the whole calciner is higher than 0,5 %. Second, the precombustion chamber, has a positive effect on the CO concentration. The measured O2 concentrations support the data of the CO concentrations, but also influence their height. Finally the cal-ciner temperatures vary strongly, so a redefinition is rather difficult.
On the basis of these results two installations in the calciner are described, which should generate a better mixing of fuel, air and hot meal. A reduction of CO con-centrations and a better distribution of O2 concentrations could be achieved.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12738/7767
Institute: Department Verfahrenstechnik 
Type: Thesis
Thesis type: Bachelor Thesis
Advisor: Geweke, Martin 
Referee: Groß, Florian 
Appears in Collections:Theses

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