Volltextdatei(en) in REPOSIT vorhanden Open Access
Titel: Simulation and Measurement of Fetal Blood Oxygen Saturation based on T2 Values at 3T MRI
Sprache: Englisch
Autorenschaft: Ortiz Reyes, Rosa Elena 
Erscheinungsdatum: 7-Mai-2019
Objective: Recent studies have proven a dependency between MRI relaxation times (T2 , T2) and blood oxygen saturation levels (sO2) applying blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) sequences [24, 27, 49]. With this approach, the present work focuses on measuring the T2 dependency on fetal sO2 at 3T MRI in-vitro and quantifying its relationship. Thereafter this quanti cation would be applied to in-vivo fetal imaging to develop a non-invasive method that measures sO2 based on signal intensities.
Method: T2 measurements were performed on a 3T MRI scanner using a T2 preparation pulse and a balanced- SSFP sequence. Calibration experiments where made using MnCl2 phantoms and hole blood samples retrieved from the umbilical cord. Signal intensities where tted by a monoexponential equation to calculate T2 values, and a quadratic model was applied to determine the oxygen dependency. Afterwards, signal intensities in the fetal left ventricle where obtained in-vivo and correlated with the in-vitro calibration.
Results: The resulting quantitative correlation equation used for calculating fetal oxygenation in-vivo is R2 = 0:0041+0:058(1
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12738/8728
Einrichtung: Department Medizintechnik 
Dokumenttyp: Abschlussarbeit
Abschlussarbeitentyp: Masterarbeit
Hauptgutachter*in: Ueberle, Friedrich 
Gutachter*in der Arbeit: Ruprecht, Christian 
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Theses

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