Collection's Items (Sorted by Einreichdatum in Absteigend order): 61 to 80 of 9101
Erscheinungsdatum | Dokument in REPOSIT | Zugang zum Volltext | Titel | Typ | Autorenschaft |
29-Nov-2019 | | | Climate change education : an overview of international trends and the need for action | inBook | Leal Filho, Walter ; Hemstock, Sarah L. |
14-Okt-2019 | | | A model for sensorimotor affordances in virtual reality environments | inProceedings | Meyer, Uli ; Draheim, Susanne ; von Luck, Kai |
1-Aug-2022 | | | Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und Schreiben : eine Einführung aus der Perspektive der Wirtschaftswissenschaften | book | Decker, Christian ; Werner, Rita |
23-Okt-2019 | | | Texture modified diet in German nursing homes : availability, best practices and association with nursing home characteristics | Article | Burger, Carina ; Kiesswetter, Eva ; Alber, Rowena ; Pfannes, Ulrike ; Arens-Azevedo, Ulrike ; Volkert, Dorothee |
8-Aug-2024 | | | Economics of public charging stations in solar-covered parking lots under the German GHG quota | inProceedings | Bannert, Jonas ; von Düsterlho, Jens-Eric ; Timmerberg, Sebastian |
8-Aug-2024 | | | Green hydrogen for the energy transition in Germany : potentials, limits, and priorities | inProceedings | Doucet, Felix ; Blohm, Marina ; von Düsterlho, Jens-Eric ; Bannert, Jonas |
Dez-2019 | | | Effect of geotextile and agrotextile covering on productivity and nutritional values in lettuce | Article | Tosic, Ivana ; Mirosavljevic, Milan ; Przulj, Novo ; Trkulja, Vojislav ; Pesevic, Dusica ; Barbir, Jelena |
14-Dez-2019 | | | On the shear-induced structural degradation of lubricating greases and associated activation energy : an experimental rheological study | Article | Acar, Nazli ; Franco, José M. ; Kuhn, Erik |
27-Sep-2024 | | | Aircraft Design | InteractiveResource | Scholz, Dieter |
8-Jun-2024 | | | Algorithmic foundations of reinforcement learning | inProceedings | Pareigis, Stephan |
Feb-2017 | | | Building climate change resilience in East African university campuses | inBook | Galvin, Denise ; Leal Filho, Walter ; Beans, Cristina ; Escarré, Roberto |
2017 | | | Rankings and sustainability in Portuguese higher education institutions : a descriptive analysis | inBook | Aleixo, Ana Marta ; Leal, Susana ; Leal Filho, Walter ; Mendes, Susana ; Azeiteiro, Ulisses M. |
Jan-2018 | | | Bioeconomy meets the circular economy : the RESYNTEX and force projects | inBook | Leal Filho, Walter |
Jan-2018 | | | Online communities of practice empowering members to realize climate-smart agriculture in developing countries | inBook | Nuutinen, Maria ; Leal Filho, Walter |
Nov-2017 | | | Incorporating sustainable development issues in teaching practice | inBook | Leal Filho, Walter ; Dahms, Lena Maria |
2017 | | | The World Sustainable Development Research and Transfer Centre (WSD-RTC) | inProceedings | Leal Filho, Walter |
2018 | | | Greening university campuses : future trends | inBook | Leal Filho, Walter |
Sep-2024 | | | Umkämpfte Beziehungspolitiken der Armut : Begriffe und Positionierungen | Article | Lutz, Tilman ; Wagner, Thomas |
Feb-2018 | | | Sustainability in universities in the Asia-Pacific region : an introduction | inBook | Leal Filho, Walter ; Iyer-Raniga, Usha ; Rogers, Judy |
18-Aug-2018 | | | We should start thinking about privacy implications of sonic input in everyday augmented reality! | inProceedings | Wolf, Katrin ; Marky, Karola ; Funk, Markus |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Einreichdatum in Absteigend order): 61 to 80 of 9101