Collection's Items (Sorted by Einreichdatum in Absteigend order): 541 to 560 of 9101
Erscheinungsdatum | Dokument in REPOSIT | Zugang zum Volltext | Titel | Typ | Autorenschaft |
5-Aug-2023 | | | Refill friction stir spot welding of thermoplastic composites : case study on carbon-fiber-reinforced polyphenylene sulfide | Article | Schäfer, H. ; Blaga, Lucian A. ; Stöver, Enno ; Klusemann, Benjamin |
9-Feb-2024 | | | Selbsterstellte immaterielle Vermögenswerte in Krisenzeiten : eine empirische Untersuchung der Bilanzierungspraxis selbsterstellter immaterieller Vermögenswerte nach IFRS von deutschen börsennotierten Unternehmen in den Jahren 2018-2021 | Article | Ludewig, Max ; Behrendt-Geisler, Anneke ; Hofmann-Stölting, Christina |
21-Feb-2024 | | | Toward a more sustainable sample preparation in phytochemistry : case studies in four subclasses of alkaloids | Article | Chibli, Lucas Apolinário ; de Lima, Bruna Ribeiro ; Carneiro, Ariadne Magalhães ; Figueiró, Harley Cardoso ; Cicek, Serhat Sezai ; Spiegler, Verena ; Funari, Cristiano Soleo |
2022 | | | Fortbewegung im virtuellen Raum | inBook | Langbehn, Eike |
29-Jan-2023 | | | Erzeugung von Schatten in Virtual Production Umgebungen | inProceedings | Arndt, Carl Luis ; Langbehn, Eike |
18-Dez-2023 | | | Effects of connecting corridors on detection of self-overlapping spaces in virtual reality | inProceedings | Cyrankiewicz, Martyna ; Langbehn, Eike |
13-Okt-2023 | | | A study on multi-user interaction-based redirected walking | inProceedings | Störmer, Marc Aurel ; Schmelter, Thereza ; Weingart, Malte ; Hernadi, Levente ; Hoster, Johannes ; Langbehn, Eike ; Hildebrand, Kristian |
20-Apr-2022 | | | Minimaps for impossible spaces : improving spatial cognition in self-overlapping virtual rooms | inProceedings | Epplée, Rafael ; Langbehn, Eike |
20-Apr-2022 | | | Design of mentally and physically demanding tasks as distractors of rotation gains | inProceedings | Neves Coelho, Daniel ; Steinicke, Frank ; Langbehn, Eike |
2-Mär-2024 | | | Effects of contamination and warming on ragworms Hediste diversicolor : a laboratory experiment with Oder estuary sediments | Article | Pham, Duy Nghia ; Ruhl, Anja ; Fisch, Kathrin ; El Toum, Safia ; Heise, Susanne ; Sokolova, Inna M. |
25-Mai-2023 | | | Determination of the distribution of rare earth elements La and Gd in Daphnia magna via micro and nano-SXRF imaging | Article | Revel, Marion Leonie ; Medjoubi, Kadda ; Rivard, Camille ; Vantelon, Delphine ; Hursthouse, Andrew ; Heise, Susanne |
28-Feb-2024 | | | Mechanistic analysis of the sub chronic toxicity of La and Gd in Daphnia magna Based on TKTD modelling and synchrotron X-ray fluorescence imaging | Article | Revel, Marion Leonie ; Medjoubi, Kadda ; Charles, Sandrine ; Hursthouse, Andrew ; Heise, Susanne |
15-Sep-2023 | | | Mixtures of sediment chemical contaminants at freshwater sampling sites across Europe with different contaminant burdens | Article | Richardson, Samantha ; Mayes, Will M. ; Faetsch, Sonja ; Hetjens, Hanne ; Teuchies, Johnny ; Walker, Paul ; Heitmann, Katharina ; Welham, Kevin ; Moore, Dean ; Bervoets, Lieven ; Kay, Paul ; Duffus, Wayne ; Smith, Nick ; De Cooman, Ward ; Elst, Raf ; Ryken, Els ; Rotchell, Jeanette M. ; Heise, Susanne |
28-Sep-2022 | | | Sediment challenges and opportunities due to climate change and sustainable development | Article | Obhodas, Jasmina ; Castellote, Marta ; Romano, Elena ; Heise, Susanne ; Lemiere, Bruno |
Mär-2024 | | | Kochen Trainieren Gewinnen : Ernährungstipps und Rezepte für den Leistungssport | book | Carlsohn, Anja ; Adam, Sibylle |
7-Aug-2023 | | | OPPSEE : eine Online-Plattform zum Programmieren üben | inProceedings | Schmolitzky, Axel ; Burau, Henri |
2022 | | | Nachhaltige Ernährung an Berufsschulen : Beispiele moderner Unterrichtskonzepte | book | Carlsohn, Anja |
2023 | | | Gesundheitsförderung in der Grundschule : Grundlagen und Praxisempfehlungen | book | Munser-Kiefer, Meike ; Carlsohn, Anja ; Göttlein, Eva |
Jun-2023 | | | Kochbuch für Leistungssportler*innen | book | Carlsohn, Anja ; Adam, Sibylle |
11-Apr-2023 | | | Effects of internal cooling on physical performance, physiological and perceptional parameters when exercising in the heat : a systematic review with meta-analyses | Article | Heydenreich, Juliane ; Koehler, Karsten ; Braun, Hans ; Großhauser, Mareike ; Heseker, Helmut ; König, Daniel ; Lampen, Alfonso ; Mosler, Stephanie ; Nieß, Andreas ; Schek, Alexandra ; Carlsohn, Anja |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Einreichdatum in Absteigend order): 541 to 560 of 9101