Collection's Items (Sorted by Einreichdatum in Absteigend order): 1 to 7 of 7
Erscheinungsdatum | Dokument in REPOSIT | Zugang zum Volltext | Titel | Typ | Autorenschaft |
7-Mär-2008 |  |  | Functional Model Library of the Environmental Control Systems (FLECS) : physical description | Dataset | Müller, Christian ; Scholz, Dieter  |
Okt-2024 |  |  | Evaluation eines Modellprogramms zur Bewusstseinsbildung in Unternehmen zur Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen | Dataset | Röh, Dieter ; Arouna, Mariam ; Stern-Plümer, Lucie ; Glüsing, Oliver ; Marscheider, Robert ; Buchmann, Kathrin |
18-Sep-2024 |  |  | Advancing bat monitoring : assessing the impact of unmanned aerial systems on bat activity | Dataset | Roswag, Marc ; Roswag, Anna ; Roswag, Matthias Sebastian ; Fietz, Joanna ; Taefi, Tessa Touridocht  |
29-Okt-2021 |  |  | Incorporating Multi-Modal Travel Planning into an Agent-Based Model : A Case Study at the Train Station Kellinghusenstraße in Hamburg | Dataset | Lenfers, Ulfia ; Ahmady-Moghaddam, Nima ; Glake, Daniel ; Ocker, Florian ; Ströbele, Jonathan ; Clemen, Thomas  |
2-Jun-2018 |  |  | Transverse and torsional vibration on bowed cello G steel string | Dataset | Mores, Robert  |
2016 |  |  | LibRank Task Collections | Dataset | Lewandowski, Dirk ; Behnert, Christiane ; Plassmeier, Kim ; Borst, Timo |
19-Feb-2019 |  |  | What does Google recommend when you want to compare insurance offerings? : A method and empirical study considering Google's top search results | Dataset | Lewandowski, Dirk ; Sünkler, Sebastian |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Einreichdatum in Absteigend order): 1 to 7 of 7