Collection's Items (Sorted by Einreichdatum in Absteigend order): 1181 to 1200 of 9104
Erscheinungsdatum | Dokument in REPOSIT | Zugang zum Volltext | Titel | Typ | Autorenschaft |
28-Sep-2018 | | | Effects of barefoot and footwear conditions on learning of a dynamic balance task : a randomized controlled study | Article | Zech, Astrid ; Meining, Stephanie ; Hötting, Kirsten ; Liebl, Dominik ; Mattes, Klaus ; Hollander, Karsten |
1-Okt-2018 | | | Exercise-induced neuroplasticity : balance training increases cortical thickness in visual and vestibular cortical regions | Article | Rogge, Ann Kathrin ; Röder, Brigitte ; Zech, Astrid ; Hötting, Kirsten |
1-Jun-2019 | | | Improved balance performance accompanied by structural plasticity in blind adults after training | Article | Rogge, Ann Kathrin ; Hötting, Kirsten ; Nagel, Volker ; Zech, Astrid ; Hölig, Cordula ; Röder, Brigitte |
7-Feb-2021 | | | Balance, gait, and navigation performance are related to physical exercise in blind and visually impaired children and adolescents | Article | Rogge, Ann Kathrin ; Hamacher, Daniel ; Cappagli, Giulia ; Kuhne, Laura ; Hötting, Kirsten ; Zech, Astrid ; Gori, Monica ; Röder, Brigitte |
24-Okt-2021 | | | Balance expertise is associated with superior spatial perspective-taking skills | Article | Hötting, Kirsten ; Rogge, Ann Kathrin ; Kuhne, Laura A. ; Röder, Brigitte |
8-Nov-2021 | | | The effects of acute cardiovascular exercise on memory and its associations with exercise-induced increases in neurotrophic factors | Article | Kuhne, Laura A. ; Ksiezarczyk, Anna Maria ; Braumann, Klaus-Michael ; Reer, Rüdiger ; Jacobs, Thomas ; Röder, Brigitte ; Hötting, Kirsten |
19-Sep-2023 | | | Health of (dual) health professional students in German-speaking countries : a scoping review | Article | Jürgensen, Ivonne-Nadine ; Koch, Peter ; Nock, Annike Morgane ; Petersen-Ewert, Corinna |
1-Jan-2023 | | | Cardiovascular exercise, learning, memory, and cytokines : results of a ten-week randomized controlled training study in young adults | Article | Kuhne, Laura A. ; Ksiezarczyk, Anna Maria ; Braumann, Klaus-Michael ; Reer, Rüdiger ; Jacobs, Thomas ; Röder, Brigitte ; Hötting, Kirsten |
23-Apr-2015 | | | Design method for multiplier-less two-variable numeric function approximation | inProceedings | Rust, Jochen ; Paul, Steffen |
18-Okt-2012 | | | Design and implementation of alow complexity NCO based CFO compensation unit | inProceedings | Rust, Jochen ; Wiegand, Till ; Paul, Steffen |
31-Jul-2020 | | | Combining fixed-point and SORN arithmetic in a MIMO BPSK-symbol detection architecture | inProceedings | Bärthel, Moritz ; Rust, Jochen ; Paul, Steffen |
20-Jan-2020 | | | Enhanced symbol synchronization for multi-user high reliable dynamic industrial wireless communication | inProceedings | Hao, Mingjie ; Karsthof, Ludwig ; Rust, Jochen ; Paul, Steffen |
2019 | | | Efficient initialization of iterative linear massive MIMO uplink detectors by binary jacobi synthesis | inProceedings | Seidel, Pascal ; Gregorek, Daniel ; Paul, Steffen ; Rust, Jochen |
4-Aug-2016 | | | Hardware-accelerated reconstruction of compressed neural signals based on inpainting | inProceedings | Schmale, Sebastian ; Kesuma, Hendra ; Lange, Heiner ; Rust, Jochen ; Knoop, Benjamin ; Peters-Drolshagen, Dagmar ; Paul, Steffen |
3-Nov-2011 | | | Equidistant piecewise function approximation for neurocomputing based environmental monitoring in wireless sensor networks | inProceedings | Rust, Jochen ; Wang, Xinwei ; Shen, Rong ; Laur, Rainer ; Paul, Steffen |
29-Nov-2012 | | | Reconfigurable architecture of a hybrid synchronisation algorithm for LTE | inProceedings | Wiegand, Till ; Rust, Jochen ; Paul, Steffen |
21-Feb-2019 | | | Hardware implementation of basic arithmetics and elementary functions for unum computing | inProceedings | Bärthel, Moritz ; Rust, Jochen ; Paul, Steffen |
15-Mai-2017 | | | Exploiting special-purpose function approximation for hardware-efficient QR-decomposition | inProceedings | Rust, Jochen ; Paul, Steffen |
18-Sep-2020 | | | Complexity Reduction for Sphere Decoding using Unum-Type-II-Based SORN-Arithmetic | inProceedings | Knobbe, Simon ; Bärthel, Moritz ; Paul, Steffen ; Rust, Jochen |
11-Okt-2019 | | | Reliability of an industrial wireless communication system using approximate units | inProceedings | Hao, Mingjie ; Najafi, Ardalan ; Garcia-Ortiz, Alberto ; Karsthof, Ludwig ; Paul, Steffen ; Rust, Jochen |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Einreichdatum in Absteigend order): 1181 to 1200 of 9104